Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Signing Time

As we've been nearing the 15 month mark, I've been getting more and more worried about Holden not talking. At his one year check up the ped. told me not to be worried just yet, but if at his next appt (15 months) he still wasn't talking we'd discuss it further. Well, he'll be 15 months in 5 days and he's still not really talking. He's said "yeah" for awhile when he claps - which is totally cute. And the other day he went to the park with Daddy and was yelling "Go Go Go" on the slide. We're heard him say "dada" and "dog", but nothing is consistent.

We've been working on Sign Language since Christmas time, and just recently got all the episodes of Signing Time for him. He loves it! I think he'd watch all 13 episodes back to back! We initially had the Baby Einstein video First Signs - which he also loved because he is a Baby Einstein-aholic. But it wasn't clicking. Within a few days of watching Singing Time he was waving his arms around trying to copy his TV buddies Alex and Leah.

Holden learned "more" first awhile ago. He didn't do it quite right, but would clap for more (instead of touching his fingertips together). Next he learned "eat". Then "milk". For awhile "milk" morphed into "give me" or "I want". Then he learned his favorite food - "cheese". We continued to work with him, but he seemed to be at a standstill. Michael and I learned the signs from the videos along with him. Fast forward to tonight - and Holden is a signing fool! Just today he added "dog" "mama" "dada" "wash hands" 'apple" and I think a couple of others. I'm in awe of how it all just clicked for him and anxious to see what tomorrow brings! I love watching him figure things out and seeing how proud of himself he is.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

I love sleep!!!

Originally uploaded by jessycaleigh
So after only 14 months, Holden is becoming a sleeper. This picture is proof that he's napping! He's been sleeping through the night - once we get him to sleep, which is still a struggle. It is however going better. He's not on a typical baby sleep schedule, but I'm okay with him going to bed at 9 or 10 and waking up around 8 or 9. Naps aren't perfect but they're coming! Hooray for sleep!!!!